Thursday, July 24, 2008

We're gonna miss this

Lately I've been thinking about how very fast time is flying by, especially since Reed will be 9 in just two weeks. How? When did it happen?

That being said, I cannot for the life of me listen to this Trace Adkins song without losing it. Just read these words:

"You're gonna miss this/ you're gonna want this back
you're gonna wish these days/ hadn't gone by so fast,
these are some good times/ so take a good look around
you may not know it now/ but you're gonna miss this"

It's so easy to speed through each day, each week, each month without really enjoying these good times. My boys will never be 8 and 5 again. And I will miss it one day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right...i love that song too! Gets me everytime! Your blog is, Shell