Thursday, January 22, 2009

Things I Love Thursday - The Wii Fit


I am new to Things I love Thursdays, and my first "thing" I'll tell you about is our new Wii Fit. You may remember that I vowed to be more disciplined at exercising. Walking, specifically. I love to walk, especially with some music or good talk radio in my ears. But in reality... it is cooooold here in the mornings. I sucked it up through November and most of December and bundled up, but then my sweet Jay surprised me with a Wii Fit for Christmas. Aha! I can exercise indoors now. Love it!

For the first week or so, I tried things out. I got to know which exercises were my favorites (hula hoop, step aerobics) and which ones there's no way I'm trying again (umm, most of the Strength exercises)! But, for the past 28 days (I know because they keep track of it for me) I have exercised every day and I love it! I have gotten into the routine of waking up and doing 30 minutes of step aerobics in the morning before I do anything else. Once I "unlocked" free step, I am now able to change the channel and watch the news (or more likely, catch up on DVR'd episodes of Rachael Ray) while I step. I also do another 30 minutes of step either in the late afternoon or in the evening before bed. In addition, I like to do some of the strength exercises, and the Super Hula Hoop (6 minutes of hula hooping - 3 minutes each direction) is a workout!

I wish I could say I've dropped those 10 pounds already. I haven't, but I can tell a difference in the way my clothes are fitting, and that's a good start. Hopefully this is an exercise routine I can stick to... check back with me in March and see how I'm holding up!


Brooke said...

congrats on your progress thus far! i know a lot of people who have them - and now i want one!

Christa said...

I love Wii fit too. Who knew it would be fun to head fake soccer balls, and slide like a penguin.

Jessica said...

Do you know where I can get a Wii for free? I'd love to purchase the whole thing including the Wii Fit. Sounds like a great way to get some exercise. Plus, I like to beat my husband at video games because I'm not that good so this would be fun to do.

Glad someone finally figured out how to make working out fun!!

thediaperdiaries said...


Jennifer Renee said...

haha! I'm so glad working out has become a joy for you! :)

i played a few times over Christmas with my friends kids, and it was lots of fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Holly.....exercising and having great fun at the same time!!!.....I'm gonna find my "niche" somewhere look wonderful and I know it feels good to know you have done what you set out to do....success is sweet!!! (and so are YOU!) love, mama

Anonymous said...

I love the hula hoop have you tried the 10 minute one... wow... and I love the step too... fun fun...